Buriram Times

Bad Guys Out! Nearly 500 Foreigners Arrested In North East Thailand Immigration Crime Sweep

  • By: Buriram Times
  • Date: 2nd May 2019
  • Time to read: 1 min.
Khon Kaen Link site online said that 478 foreigners have been arrested in a pre-coronation crime sweep across twenty provinces in the Isaan (north east) region.
People on illegal entry, overstay, illegal workers and others including those on warrants were picked up.
Two Cameroon men were among those arrested.
Region 4 commander Pol Maj-Gen Natthawat Karndee said on Wednesday that 478 arrests had been made.
This number comprised 335 people who had entered Thailand illegally, nine on overstay, 16 for working illegally, 116 other lawbreakers and 2 on warrants.
In addition 86 people had been denied entry at borders in the region on the grounds that they could cause trouble during the coronation period.
Khon Kaen Link concentrated on two cases of Cameroon nationals in their report.
The first was Darius Yemnai, 27, a language teacher in Kalasin who had been in Thailand since July 2014. He left to renew his stay in September of that year at Padang Besar but immigration had no record of this.
Fake stamps were found in his passport and Maj-Gen Natthawat said that further investigations were underway to find those responsible for the stamps.
In Khon Kaen another Camerooon man called Augustine Yankam, 37, was arrested.
He had overstayed his welcome in Thailand by 1,307 days.
Vehicles of a Thai gang were also seized in the raids.
(Source: – ThaiVisa)

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